How to read a scientific paper
Here is an info graphic which will help in reading a research paper
اهلا وسهلا قبل ما تبدأ تذاكر لتخصص علم البيانات ، اعمل الاختبار التالي عشان تعرف هل التخصص مناسب لك أم لا تم وضع اختبار بسيط ، ويعتمد هذا الاختبار على صفات يجب ان يمتلكها أي محلل ،الطريقة انه بعد قراءة كل سؤال سجل لنفسك علامة من العلامات المذكورة بجانب كل سؤال ، إذا كانت علاماتك
Data Science Assessment Test اختبار تحديد المستوى في مجال علم البيانات Read More »
Importance of SoftSkills أهمية المهارات الشخصية For Example: if a teacher has really good knowledge about a particular topic ( HardSkills), but he can’t deliver the message clearly ( Teaching or Public Speaking which consedered as a softskills) he won’t be able to do his job efficiently.
Dear All, According to Mr.Aman in our group this is the course we should start with Course The videos can be found here Best of luck Fahad
Big data for business Predictive marketing Big data is used to predict major life events like graduating or getting married, having a child, they do that by looking at the consumer behavior by monitoring the type of websites they visit. For a real-life example check this link ( how target found out the girl was
Lecture 5 Objectives: What is Variety in Big data? What is Structured data and Unstructured data and Multistructred data? Variety Variety point to the many sources and types of data both structured and unstructured.We used to store data from sources like spreadsheets and databases. Now data comes in the form of emails, photos, videos,
Hello Everyone, Kindly download the following slides for Data Visualization Lecture Download The lecture is uploaded on our YouTube Channel The Lecture
Velocity, in Big data means that data is being generated very fast, it also, refers to the speed of storing data and analyzing it, usually, the data used to get generated by people, but now we have social media, a security cameras at airports, sensors, smartphones, smart wearable devices like Apple watch and Samsung GEAR,
Lecture 3 Objectives: What is Volume in Big data? Volume Volume refers to a data that is too big to work on a regular computer, As we can see a huge growth in the data storage as the data is now more than text data (as it used to be on the World wide
In recent days I’ve spotted many new hires from computer science asking me; what should I know about this field? What are the expected interview questions? For that, since everyone wants to know everything about information security. As an information security analyst myself I will include all career