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This is probably the most confusing dichotomy that high school students face when they are deciding what career path to take. When in fact, the difference between Management Information Systems (MIS) and Computer Information Systems (CIS) is quite simple. What really differentiates the two? Are they really different, since most people argue otherwise? Probably the […]

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Why MIS Graduates are facing difficulties in getting jobs !

،السادة الطلاب والخريجين الأعزاء يرجى قراءة الورقة البحثية التالية التي ستخبرك بنوع المهارات والمعرفة التي يجب أن تعرفها قبل التخرج أو التقدم لوظيفة Dear MIS Students and Graduates, Kindly read the following research paper that will tell you the type of skills and knowledge you should know before you graduate or apply for a job.

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